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Speech by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

Fiesta Kultura, Fairfield Showground NSW


I would also like to add my acknowledgement of country.

I would also like to acknowledge:

  • My Parliamentary colleague Dr Geoff Lee MP
  • Consul General Anne Jalando-on Louis
  • Manny Castillo OAM, President, Phillippine Australian Sports and Culture Inc and your committee
  • Mayor, councillors
  • Fr Orilla, other distinguished guests
  • Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls

As the Assistant Minister for Multicultural Affairs I am pleased to be here today representing the Prime Minister, the Hon Malcolm Turnbull to share in the 27th Sydney Fiesta Kultura.

The Prime Minister sends his very best wishes for this festival.

Fiesta Kultura is a great opportunity for the Filippino community to come together to celebrate and share the richness of its culture with other Australians.

The close knit Filipino community here today are a great example of how our cultural diversity adds great value – delivering social and economic strength, prosperity and unity to our communities.

Having the pleasure of attending Fiesta Kultura last year, I am again impressed by the efforts by so many in creating and running this event for the past 27 years.

With a fitting theme – Festival of Light, celebrating the United Nations International Year of light – the festival’s line up of events speaks volumes about the community’s commitment to celebrating and showcasing cultural diversity and cohesion.

Miss Philippines – Australia Beauty Pageant & Charity Queen Australia, guest Artists from the Philippines and a Filipino food make this festival an enjoyable event for all who participate.

We are now one of the most culturally diverse, yet socially cohesive nations on earth. 45 per cent of us were either born overseas or have at least one parent who was.

Filipino Australians are one of our fastest growing communities and a group that continues to make many significant contributions to Australian society.

The latest Census in 2011 showed that there were around 225,000 people of Filipino ancestry in Australia, which is an increase of more than 40 per cent from the 2006 Census.

The Filipino community is an important part of our social, cultural and economic fabric and will continue the fine tradition of the great migrant country we have become.

Government approach

The Australian Government supports a culturally diverse multicultural Australia and has a number of initiatives to build social cohesion, encourage positive settlement and help build the capacity of communities to integrate well into contemporary mainstream Australia.


I would like to again thank you all for the invitation to join today’s festival.

I wish you all the best for the Fiesta Kultura Festival of Light and trust all will enjoy this wonderful event.

Thank you.