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Speech by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

Harmony Walk – Moving Forward Together Association

Location: Blacktown Showgrounds, Sydney


Thank you very, very, much. It’s wonderful to be here.

Isn’t it wonderful that here in Australia today, in Blacktown, and we’ve just heard a rendition of Waltzing Matilda from Australian’s of Indonesian heritage – and that does say it all, the wonderful country that we are today.

Ernie Friedlander thank-you so much to you and your team for another very good day. This is the fourth walk that you have organised.

And in keeping in theme with Harmony Day and walking together, and of sharing our diversity – this is another good initiative that you’ve organised.

Particularly, at times in moment, there are issues that we are facing as Australian’s at the moment. But having said that, let’s not forget that we are one of the most culturally diverse, yet socially cohesive nations on Earth.

And the reason we are that is because we have brought together people from so many different parts of Australia.

And whilst there are challenges at the moment, I think one of the reasons we have faced those challenges a lot better than other countries around the word is for that very, very, social glue that binds us together – that is, our cultural diversity.

And today, you’ve had people from different walks of life, different religions, walking together because this is what we share.

We share this wonderful land together, we share those values which unite use – and lets not forget that the things that unite us are much, much more important than those that divide us.

So, well done. It’s good to see that the rain has held off.

Ernie tells me that about 500 people walked today – not as many that could have walked because of the rain, but never the less a very good day.

Thank-you again, I’m very pleased to share some time with you, and wish you all the very, very, best.