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Media Release by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

More for carers, jobseekers and young people with disability

More than one million Australians will receive a boost to their Australian Government payments from 1 January 2015.

Minister for Social Services, the Hon. Scott Morrison said the Coalition Government will increase payments for carers, students and young people with disability to keep pace with rising living costs.

“This extra assistance to around one million Australians is being driven by the rising consumer price index of 3 per cent for the 12 months to June 2014,” Minister Morrison said.

“Carers will receive an extra $3.50 a fortnight to bring their rate to $121.70 a fortnight.

“Students and young jobseekers receiving Youth Allowance will get an increase of between $6.80 and $16.30 a fortnight.

“Young long-term unemployed people commencing full-time study and receiving Youth Allowance will get increases of up to $15.10 a fortnight.

“Single people aged less than 21 years receiving the Disability Support Pension will get increases of between $10.30 and $15.90 a fortnight.

“Members of a couple aged less than 21 years receiving the Disability Support Pension will receive an increase of $15.90 a fortnight.

“For those who rely on these payments it is vital that they keep pace with cost of living increases, it is also important to remember that every benefit payment made is paid for by another taxpayer.

“To respect the needs of those who need these payments and those who pay for them through their taxes we must make the system fiscally sustainable and ensure that all those who could be making their own way in the workforce are doing just that.

“Payments such as Mobility Allowance and Double Orphan Pension will also increase in line with the consumer price index. Additional child amounts (paid under some social security agreements) and permissible child earnings limits are also adjusted from 1 January 2015.

“Students receiving Austudy will get an increase of between $12.40 and $16.30 a fortnight.

“Personal income limits for Disability Support Pension (under 21 years, without children), Youth Allowance and Austudy will increase in line with the consumer price index.”

Minister Morrison said some income and assets limits will also increase.

Full details can be found at: