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Transcript by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

ABC AM programme


Mr Morrison, welcome to the programme.


Good morning Michael.


We will get to national security issues shortly but if we can look at the pension changes first. According to your calculations the changes will see those known as part-pensioners, those who derive some of their income from investments given an extra $83 or so a year. Doesn’t sound like that much.


Well, it is a modest increase, it is a small increase but it is an important increase and it says very clearly that as economic circumstances change for part pensioners, for those on disability pensions, carers payments – things like this then the Government needs to make adjustments so they can deal with those circumstances and that is what we have done. This will be in addition to the changes that are made every September and every March so there will be a further increase then and what this says is contrary to Bill Shorten trying to scare pensioners that pensions are going down, it’s just not true – they are going up, they will continue to go up and the Government does understand the pressures facing pensioners and cost of living increases and other economic changes.


But you do still have plans don’t you to change the indexation calculation from using percentage of average weekly earnings to the CPI and if that is done isn’t it true that pensioners would already be $30 a week less and could fall further, perhaps up to $80 a week over the next ten years?


Well, CPI increases have been higher than the other benchmarks to date in terms of the changes that have been made and it is all about keeping pace of the cost of living. It’s about making sure that the pension is sustainable for the next generation – not just the current one. They are discussions that are ongoing. Today’s announcement is about ensuring that the changes to what is happening in the financial markets mean that those who are on part pensions, on carers payments, they will be receiving some additional support. It’s modest but you know you can’t go around with unfunded empathy here Michael. You can’t go around as Bill Shorten is doing agreeing with everybody but funding nothing. I mean he has got a plan to scare pensioners. Our plan is to support pensioners.


But are you still committed to pushing forward with the changes to the indexation?


These matters remain on the table and we will continue to discuss them with the crossbenchers and if anyone has got a better idea about how you make the pension sustainable, one of the fastest growing rates of growth and public expenditure, more sustainable then they are welcome to bring that to the table. But the rules are the same for the Opposition as they are for the Government. You have got to be able to fund your changes and Bill Shorten is funding nothing – it is unfunded empathy.


And you are still committed to pushing the pension age up to 70?


We have got to address the issues of sustainability of the pension over time. Now, I should be very clear, that does not relate to people who are currently 61 and 55 – that generation of Australians went through their working life with a very clear deal with the Australian Government. That is, you work hard over the course of your life then there is a pension at the other end. Now, in my generation the deal was very different, we provide for our own, our superannuation and our own retirement incomes wherever we can. I think this is a generational shift which the previous government supported in lifting the age to 67. So, it is a bit rich for them now to somehow be totally opposed to that idea. That is a long term reform, it has no immediate impact on the Budget over the forward estimates but it is an important long term reform that we need to come to terms with as we transition to a healthier ageing population.


Ok, on national security. You have been a member of the national security committee, has this idea of cancelling citizenship for dual nationals engaged in terrorism – has that been discussed in the past? Is it a good idea?


Well, of course you wouldn’t expect me to go in to what is discussed in the National Security Committee but certainly in the public domain this is a topic that has been ventilated, it has been ventilated in the parliament. There was a private members motion on this in the Parliament last year which was a very interesting debate to watch and to observe and the Government has obviously been mindful about those proposals for some time.


Is it a plan you have?


Well, again, I am not on the National Security Committee of Cabinet any longer – I am on the ERC and I wouldn’t be going in to any discussions of the NSC anyway Michael. I don’t think you would expect me to do that.


Ok, well, Tony Abbott’s statement yesterday said, among other things, for too long we have given those who might be a threat to our country the benefit of the doubt and he says and in the courts there has been bail when clearly there should have been jail. What exactly does that mean? Does that mean that accepted legal process will be overlooked in terror cases?


Well, let me give you an example of when I was Immigration Minister, I introduced a Bill called the Protection and Other Measures Bill and what that says it strengthened provisions where people couldn’t prove who they were, who was seeking protection visas in Australia then they would not be given the benefit of the doubt. That legislation sits in the Parliament right now. It is opposed by the Labor Party, it is put in by the Government and I think that is a very practical demonstration of the sorts of things that need to change to ensure that Australia’s laws when it comes to these matters are as strong as they can be. Now, that measure sits on the Senate table.


But what about this idea of not giving people bail and just keeping them in jail?


Look, that is principally matters for the states and others and I think it is an important discussion for all levels of government to have when you look at what happened in Martin Place about all the issues that arose from that; the integration of use of information, the sharing of information across agencies, the way we work together and that applies as equally from agencies for which now I am responsible through to those which I was formally responsible.


So, there should be exceptions in terror cases you think in the legal process?


I am not saying that at all, Michael, I don’t know why you would seek to verbal me in that way. All I am simply saying is that the incidents that have taken place has caused the government to once again look at these matters. Previously, we have put $630 million into beefing up the resources for our security agencies. When I was in border protection we put back $700 million into our border protection agencies that had been stripped out by the previous government. I think we have got a very strong record of putting money where our mouth is when it comes to ensuring that the strength of our security agencies but there is a broader issue here about ensuring that our laws are strong enough to help our public servants, our officials, those who work at Centrelink, they are implementing the laws we currently have and they do a great job under a lot of stress and the Government will continue to support them by giving them the laws and regulations they need to ensure that we do the right thing.


Can I just ask you quickly about the two Australians facing execution in Indonesia, as a senior Minister in the Government does it concern you that Indonesia seems intent on pushing ahead with this despite the diplomatic and political efforts made to stop it?


This is an enormously distressing situation. I think Australians feel that right across the country. These two young men, obviously, have done something which they very much regret and the representations that have been made will continue to be made and I am not going to say anything here that might jeopardise those. My thoughts and prayers are very much with them and their families. The transformation of those two young men is quite remarkable and I think it says a lot potentially about how the system works there that young men like that can change in that way. It really is a very grieving situation and I commend the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister and thank the Opposition and all political Parties for the unity of purpose that we have had on this.


Alright, and just finally, was it a good idea to sack Philip Ruddock from the position as Party Whip?


Well, they are matters for the Prime Minister. All I know about Phillip Ruddock is he is the greatest Immigration Minister we have ever had. I know he took on that job of Chief Whip at the request of the PM. I don’t think he was hanging around the Parliament for 40 years to become the Chief Whip. He is a very loyal, very trusted and very respected colleague and as I said he is the best Immigration Minister this country has ever had and he helped me greatly in the work I did this time round to stop the boats and I think that is the word on Philip Ruddock.


The Prime Minister said he did it because he wasn’t aware of the discontent among his backbench. Isn’t that the Prime Minister’s job to talk to the backbench?


Michael, again, that is your paraphrase of what the Prime Minister said, I don’t think that is exactly what he said and I don’t think that is a very helpful reflection on it.


So, that wasn’t the reason why he was dismissed?


Well, that is a matter for the Prime Minister but you are, again, interpreting things the Prime Minister said in a way that I don’t think he intended them.


Ok, thanks, Scott Morrison, thanks very much.


Thanks a lot Michael.