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Media Release by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

Coalition Government boosts funding support for vulnerable children and their families

Minister for Social Services the Hon. Scott Morrison today announced the Coalition Government will invest more than $15 million into the delivery of specialist family services nationwide that support children and parents experiencing family violence, alcohol and drug issues.

“The Coalition Government is proud to offer $15.7 million over two years for the extension of funds for providers of Specialised Family Violence Services and Kids in Focus activities, providing certainty to the organisations who offer these critical services,” Minister Morrison said.

“Twenty-three organisations will be offered funding to continue delivering 27 Specialised Family Violence Services across Australia. A further eight organisations, one in each state and territory, will be offered funds to continue Kids in Focus activities which provide prevention and early intervention family support to dealing with the impacts of substance abuse.

“These grants will assist organisations to provide early intervention and prevention services, and resources aimed at improving children’s development and wellbeing, as well as supporting people in parenting roles.

“This funding will ensure appropriate access to critical front line services using a whole-of-family approach to support those affected by family violence and to help those who exhibit violent behaviour to change.

“Organisations will also continue to provide integrated, long term and intensive support for disadvantaged families dealing with the impacts of substance abuse.

“The extension of these important services will continue to help some of the most vulnerable people across Australia and complement and support services funded by State and Territory Governments.

“The Coalition Government is committed to a significant and sustained reduction in violence against women and their children.

“This funding is in addition to the $100 million over four years the Government is spending on initiatives supporting the reduction of violence against women and their children under the Second Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children.

“The Coalition Government is also investing $230 million to extend the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH) for two years to 2017, with funding priority given to frontline services focusing on women and children experiencing domestic and family violence, and homeless youth under 18,” Minister Morrison said.

Further details on grants providers will be available once contracts have been finalised.