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Media Release by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

Celebrating Community and Philanthropy Partnerships

Minister for Social Services the Hon. Scott Morrison today announced $650,000 over three years for Philanthropy Australia to run an annual Community and Philanthropy Partnerships Week.

The inaugural Community and Philanthropy Partnerships Week will begin on 7 December 2015 and is an initiative of the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership.

“It’s fitting that the theme chosen for the week is ‘Achieving more together’; this highlights the achievements through philanthropic and community collaboration,” Minister Morrison said.

“I was pleased to announce the funding following today’s meeting at Parliament House of the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership, on which I serve as Deputy Chair.

“The Community and Philanthropy Partnerships Week will shine light on the many collaborations taking place around the country, such as Opportunity Child— an alliance between the ten20 foundation, the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth, business and government which will help to improve the lives of vulnerable children in 20 communities across Australia.

“Part of the funding will go towards $160,000 worth of grants. Community groups can apply for these grants until 3 July, to showcase their philanthropic partnerships.

“The Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership brings together Government, community and business leaders to strengthen communities through philanthropy, volunteering and investment.

“The Partnership will examine trends and promote best practice in the sector and investigate how innovative investment and financing can better support a culture of giving and volunteering in Australia.

“Importantly, the Partnership will identify incentives and barriers to philanthropic giving. We don’t want companies, trusts and foundations to be burdened by unnecessary obstacles or red tape as they try to achieve their objectives.

“As deputy chair of the Partnership, I look forward to progressing these issues further with Partnership members,” Minister Morrison said.

For more information on Community and Philanthropy Partnerships Week, including information on the grants, go to

For more information on the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership, go to