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Media Release by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

More indigenous communities to benefit from early childhood learning

Joint Media Release with:

  • Senator the Hon. Nigel Scullion, Minister for Indigenous Affairs

An extra 25 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia will benefit from the Federal Government’s Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters (HIPPY), which supports parents and carers to be their child’s first teacher, Minister for Social Services, the Hon. Scott Morrison and Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Senator the Hon. Nigel Scullion announced today.

“HIPPY is a two-year home-based parenting and early childhood learning programme which begins in the year before formal schooling and helps children learn the basics before they start school while giving parents the skills and confidence to help their children learn,” Minister Morrison said.

“The Abbott Government’s expansion of the service will see HIPPY operate in 100 communities across Australia, benefitting around 4,000 children a year.

“More than $100 million has been committed to the programme since 2008. HIPPY makes a real difference to the lives of many Australian families and the Abbott Government is proud to be supporting its increased reach into more Indigenous communities,” Minister Morrison said.

Minister Scullion said: “I’m excited to see 25 new communities will have access to HIPPY, ensuring the foundations are in place for future school success by encouraging children to enjoy learning in the family home.

“These 25 new HIPPY locations mean even more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities will have the chance to engage local children in learning in the family home to improve their future success at school,” he said.

HIPPY is managed by the Brotherhood of St Laurence and delivered by not-for-profit service providers working in collaboration with the community and using structured learning experiences designed around the daily life of the family.

Expressions of interest are now open to select providers to deliver HIPPY from mid-2015 in these 25 new locations.

To find out more or for enquiries on how to participate in the programme, parents and carers can visit or phone (03) 9445 2400.

New Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander HIPPY Communities to commence in 2015:

New South Wales
Goonellabah and surrounds
Nambucca and surrounds
Taree – Forster
Wyong and surrounds

Northern Territory
Darwin North
Millingimbi Island
Tennant Creek

Cairns (two sites – Central and South)
Cooktown and surrounds
Deception Bay
Northern Peninsula Area

South Australia
Port Augusta


Mooroopna and surrounds

Western Australia
Broome and surrounds
Bunbury – Collie
Kalgoorlie – Boulder
Midland and surrounds
Mowanjum – Derby