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Media Release by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

Coalition Government helps protect Adelaide families

Minister for Social Services, the Hon. Scott Morrison today announced that from 1 October 2015, the child protection measure of income management will be introduced across Adelaide to assist state child protection workers keep children safe.

“The Coalition government will roll out the BasicsCard for Adelaide welfare recipients who volunteer to participate in income management or are subject to the child protection measure,” Minister Morrison said.

“Income management helps people budget their money and ensure they can meet their basic needs such as food, rent, clothing and utilities.

“Today’s announcement demonstrates strong united action on the recommendations of the State Coroner’s inquest into the death of Chloe Valentine, which recognised that income management could benefit many children at risk of neglect and abuse.

“Income management is a useful tool to help child protection workers assist clients where financial mismanagement may be contributing to the harm or neglect of a child.

“Income management helps people to better manage their finances, stabilise their lives and focus more on the needs of their children.

“The South Australian government requested that these measures be introduced in Adelaide because they didn’t want another tragedy like Chloe Valentine in the State.

“In addition, the Australian Government is providing $12 million over five years to deliver early intervention and referral services in South Australia which are also helping to keep children safe.

Income management is operating in different forms across Australia. More information can be found at: