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Media Release by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

25 years of National Child Protection Week

Minister for Social Services, the Hon. Scott Morrison today presented a national award to an innovative counselling service for promoting child safety and wellbeing.

Minister Morrison visited Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School in Canberra to present Kids Helpline and Optus with one of the Play Your Part Awards for their effective ‘Kids Helpline @ School’ program.

The initiative brings professional counsellors into primary school classrooms via video technology with the aim of improving students’ mental health and acknowledging where to seek help if needed.

“This program is a great example of collaboration between the public sector, non-government organisations, and businesses to promote the safety and wellbeing of children,” Minister Morrison said.

The Play Your Part Awards are celebrated as part of National Child Protection Week. The Week, run by NAPCAN (National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect), provides a platform for people to respond to local needs and address child safety and wellbeing.

Other recipients of the national Play Your Part Awards are:

  • Amrit Versha, recognised for her work as a mentor with SWAGG-Sikh Women and Girls Group;
  • A number of organisations collaborating to develop the Lawmail, Lawstuff and online safety project including the National Children’s and Youth Law Centre, King and Wood Mallesons, University of NSW, the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department, Australian Securities and Investment Commission, and Telstra.

“This year marks 25 years of National Child Protection Week, a fantastic achievement in the history of keeping Australia’s children safe,” Minister Morrison said.

“The Coalition Government is committed to tackling child abuse and neglect, and is working towards better outcomes through the delivery of the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children.

“The Framework is an ambitious and long-term agenda, implemented by a series of three-year action plans that focus on critical areas.

“We have already seen significant achievements such as the release of National Standards for out-ofhome care and the establishment of a National Children’s Commissioner to promote the rights, wellbeing and development of children and young people, but we recognise that there is still more to be done.

“The Australian Government is currently working closely together with states and territories and the non-government sector to develop a third action plan, due to be released later this year.

“The third action plan will focus on prevention and early intervention, strengthening families and building the capacity of communities to respond to local needs. It is only through working together that we can continue to improve the safety and wellbeing of Australia’s children,” Minister Morrison said.

Find more information on National Child Protection Week visit: