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Media Release by The Hon Scott Morrison MP

Coalition government invests $1.7 million to research philanthropic support

The Coalition Government will invest in research to better understand philanthropic behaviour in Australia, Minister for Social Services, the Hon. Scott Morrison announced today during his address to Philanthropy Australia’s inaugural Philanthropy Meets Parliament Summit.

“The Government is providing up to $1.7 million to the Queensland University of Technology in partnership with the Swinburne University of Technology and the Centre for Corporate Public Affairs to deliver the Giving Australia 2015 research project,” Minister Morrison said.

“The project will collect information from individuals, charitable organisations, philanthropists and businesses, such as the reasons people volunteer or give, and what approach best works to encourage giving.

“By drawing a picture of giving and volunteering behaviours, attitudes and trends, this project will improve our understanding of the capacity and needs of community organisations.

“It will establish good baseline data to measure progress on philanthropic giving, and a strong basis for policy decisions to encourage charity in Australia,” Minister Morrison said.

“Today’s announcement will support the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership which is examining trends and promoting best practice in the sector, and investigating how innovative investment and financing can better support a culture of giving and volunteering in Australia.”

For more information on the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership, go to