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Speech by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

Address at the Opening of the Stage 2 Extension of the On Luck Chinese Nursing Home

Location: On Luck Chinese Nursing Home, Donvale VIC


  • Fred Chuah, JP
  • Song Yumin, Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China Melbourne
  • Parliamentary colleagues –
  • Bruce Atkinson
  • Anna Burke
  • Jenny Mikakos;
  • Ladies and gentlemen

It is a great pleasure to be here today both in my capacity as your local federal Member, and also as the Minister for Social Services to join with you in celebrating the opening of stage 2 of this centre.

The Chinese Community Social Services Centre, or On Luck Chinese Nursing Home as we all know it, plays such an important role in our local community here in Menzies – in Manningham – and in Melbourne’s broader Chinese community.

I still remember when, in 2002, when I was in fact the Minister for Ageing, On Luck was allocated 60 high care places and $1.1 million to establish an aged care service for the Chinese community, in the Donvale area as part of the Aged Care Approvals Round. On Luck commenced operations on 24 July 2006.

As a result of a growing need for more high care places, in the 2010 Aged Care Approvals Round On Luck applied for, and was granted, an additional 60 high care places for the Chinese community together with a loan of $6.5 million to again assist with the construction of the building.

On 17 February 2014, On Luck Chinese Nursing Home extended its service becoming a 120 place aged care facility in the Eastern Metropolitan Region.

On Luck’s secure wing also ensure the appropriate care in a safe environment is offered to clients with dementia.

And, importantly, one of the changes introduced as part of the aged care reform is the removal of the distinction between high and low care places.

This means that all places at the On Luck can be offered to meet a variety of needs which may assist couples, friends or family members with differing care needs to remain together.

The Centre’s home care packages in all four Melbourne Metropolitan regions, also assist those wishing to remain living in their homes.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am again pleased to join with you today for the next stage of the evolution of On Luck.

In fact, I still have the mounted photo and plaque of the turning of the sod for this centre hanging on the wall of my electorate office; and it has been pleasing to watch on as On Luck has continued to grow, continued to develop and continued to provide such important support to so many in our community.
