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Media Release by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

New family and domestic violence research

Joint Media Release with:

  • Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash
    Minister Assisting Prime Minister for Women

Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women Senator Michaelia Cash say the announcement of approximately $3.5 million for 20 new research projects will support the reduction of violence against women and their children.

The new research is funded under Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety’s (ANROWS) 2014-16 Research Programme, which was launched in Sydney today.

Mr Andrews said ANROWS, Australia’s only independent national research organisation for women’s safety, is jointly funded by all governments under the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022.

“The National Plan sends a very strong, united message from all Australian governments that violence and sexual assault against women is not acceptable anywhere,” he said.

“ANROWS plays an important role in supporting communities to prevent and reduce violence because research shows us ‘what works’.

“Through the ANROWS Research Programme, we will build the knowledge base on the National Plan’s key priorities, and help to identify ways to reduce the prevalence of domestic, family and sexual violence and its impact on women and their children.”

Minister Cash said the scope of the work by ANROWS is impressive with the first part of the Research Programme comprising projects across five strategic research themes.

“A number of projects proposed have been developed to specifically consider the experiences and needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, women with disability and those women living in rural Australia” Minister Cash said.

“During the development of the Second Action Plan 2013-16 it was evident that there was a lack of relevant and reliable data in relation to domestic violence and so the launch of today’s research projects is an important step in the right direction.”

“This research will be utilised by governments and service providers to improve primary prevention campaigns and deliver better responses to violence in our community.”

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