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Media Release by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

Welfare Review Public Submissions Closing Soon

Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews is encouraging people to have their say on the recently released interim report proposing improvements to Australia’s welfare system.

Mr Andrews says the timeline for public submissions to be lodged ends in 2 weeks.

“We want to ensure Australia’s welfare system is sustainable, simple, equitable and effective,” Mr Andrews said.

“All feedback on the interim report, ‘A New System for Better Employment and Social Outcomes’, will be considered by the Reference Group in developing its final recommendations to the Government, due later this year.

“The interim report identified four main pillars of reform: simpler and sustainable income support system; strengthening individual and family capability; engaging with employers; and building community capacity.

“All interested organisations and members of the public can put in a submission, or make a brief comment if preferred.”

In addition to the public submissions process, the Reference Group invited feedback on its Interim Report through targeted roundtable discussions and a closed online forum.

Around 350 organisations were invited to take part in these forums, including community and business groups, advocacy groups and service providers, peak welfare organisations, employers and expert individuals, at both a national and local level.

The public submissions can be lodged at