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Media Release by Hon Kevin Andrews MP

Income management making a positive impact

Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews has welcomed the findings of reports from two evaluations on income management indicating the initiative is having a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable Australians.

The reports evaluate the introduction of voluntary income management in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands of South Australia, and the place based income management trial in five sites* across Australia.

Mr Andrews said the reports show income management is helping individuals and families to better budget and stabilise their lives.

“The reports found that the vast majority of people who volunteered for income management were positive about the initiative, reporting lower stress levels and marked improvements in their ability to manage their money.

“In addition, those on voluntary income management reported they had reduced their use of substances such as alcohol and in the APY Lands there were also improvements reported in child well-being.

“The Government will consider the findings of these reports when making decisions about the longer-term directions for income management,” he said.

The future of income management will also be determined by the Indigenous Jobs and Training Review (Forrest Review), the Review of Australia’s Welfare System (McClure Review) and the evaluation of income management in the Northern Territory.

For more information see:

*(Bankstown, New South Wales; Logan, Queensland; Rockhampton, Queensland; Playford, South Australia and Greater Shepparton, Victoria).