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Media Release by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

Australian Multicultural Council members announced

Joint Media Release with:

  • Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social Services

  • The Hon. Kevin Andrews MP Minister for Social Services

Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews and Parliamentary Secretary Concetta Fierravanti-Wells today announced the new members of the Australian Multicultural Council.

The Council advises the Government on multicultural affairs.

Mr Andrews said the Government’s support for the Council confirmed its commitment to a multicultural Australia and to building a stronger Australian community.

“The Council will advise the Government on ways to sustain and support socially cohesive communities, to ensure all Australians have the opportunity to participate, engage and contribute to Australian life,” he said.

“It will examine ways to further harness the economic and social benefits of our Nation’s cultural and linguistic diversity and advise on how we can promote social cohesion by fostering the successful integration of migrants into the broad Australian community.

“The Australian Government is committed to ensuring that all people have the opportunity to participate fully in our society with a strong emphasis on responsibilities as well as rights.” Mr Andrews said.

“I look forward to receiving the Council’s expert advice to guide policy and programme innovation, enhance civic engagement and help drive an agenda of migrant participation and broader community cohesion.”

“At the same time, it is important for all Australians to take pride in our common citizenship and reflect on the importance of being Australian.”

“The principles of citizenship remain an overriding loyalty to Australia and its people, a shared belief in our democratic process, respect for rights and liberties of others and a commitment to uphold and obey Australia’s laws.”

Senator Fierravanti-Wells said Australia has been a great multicultural success story and advisory bodies such as the Australian Multicultural Council play a valuable role.

“Leaders from Australian business and civil society, all with an interest in multicultural policy, comprise the new Council,” she said.

The Council members are:

Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM, Chair

Dr Bulent Hass Dellal OAM

Ms Helena Kyriazopoulos

Ms Faiza Rehman

Mr Vasan Srinivasan

Ms Charlotte Vidor

Members will serve three-year terms on the Council.