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Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

Celebrate International Volunteer Day: December 5

Joint Media Release with:

  • Senator the Hon. Ursula Stephens, Parliamentary Secretary for Social Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector

Jenny Macklin and Ursula Stephens today celebrated International Volunteer Day in recognition of the vital contribution volunteers make to communities both here and abroad.

International Volunteer Day provides the perfect opportunity for organisations and individuals to extend a warm thank you to the millions of Australians who give up their time and energy each year to help nurture communities.

“Today is all about the community and business recognising and celebrating the contribution volunteers make to our community,” Ms Macklin said.

“In 2006, more than 5 million Australians contributed 713 million hours of voluntary work for the community – this is an outstanding effort which deserves acknowledgment”.

In recognition of the day Ms Stephens attended the ‘Volunteering and the new Millennium’ symposium in Brisbane today.
“The Day offers a chance for those people in the community who have some spare time, to think about how they may ‘lend a hand’ to those in need,” Ms Stephens said.

“We benefit every day from the goodwill of Australia’s volunteers and today represents an opportunity for us all to pause and recognise all those who contribute to nurturing our communities through volunteering.”

International Volunteer Day is a time to recognise the important role of volunteers and to also encourage more people to consider offering their time and skills voluntarily.