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Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

Homelessness awards nominations extended

Australians have an extra three weeks to nominate outstanding organisations committed to addressing homelessness in the first-ever National Homelessness Services Achievement Awards.

With entries now closing on December 16, nominations are being sought in seven categories, which celebrate excellence, quality, innovation and achievement by homelessness service providers.

Minister for Social Housing and Homelessness Mark Arbib today urged Australians to nominate a deserving organisation which provides assistance to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

“Too often the hard work of organisations and individuals in this sector goes unrecognised and they deserve our sincere gratitude for their dedication,” Senator Arbib said.

“These awards are one way the community and the government can thank organisations and workers for their efforts.”

Nominations for the Awards close on Friday 16 December, with winners to be announced at an awards ceremony on 22 March 2012 at the Great Hall, Parliament House, in Canberra.

The Award categories are:

  • Excellence or innovation in addressing homelessness by an organisation;
  • Excellence in the prevention of, or early intervention in, homelessness;
  • Outstanding business or philanthropic commitment to addressing homelessness;
  • Excellence or innovation in partnerships in delivering services;
  • Closing the gap: Excellence in addressing Indigenous homelessness;
  • Excellence in supporting pathways to employment or education; and
  • Excellence in addressing homelessness in a regional, rural or remote location.

To nominate an organisation in the National Homelessness Services Achievement Awards visit: