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Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

Housing Solutions for Homeless in Camperdown

Joint Media Release with:

  • The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, Minister for Human Services, Minister for Social Inclusion, Member for Sydney

Minister for Social Housing and Homelessness Mark Arbib and Member for Sydney Tanya Plibersek today opened the Camperdown Common Ground building providing permanent housing and 24-hour support for 52 people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Sydney.

“I am proud to open the Camperdown Common Ground which will help to end homelessness for people being housed,” Senator Arbib said.

“The Camperdown Common Ground is a first for NSW and will offer housing and on-site support for Sydneysiders in need, giving them a place to call home.

“Each of the 52 units are fully furnished, have on-site support, together with around the clock security, concierge services and tenancy management.

“These tenants will have access to a range of support services including health, counselling, vocational training, living skills, like cooking classes, and financial management, along with training and employment opportunities.”

Ms Plibersek said this project was fantastic for Sydney and provided an opportunity to send the cycle of homelessness in inner city Sydney.

“I would like to thank MA Housing and Grocon for their involvement in the development and management of this project,” Ms Plibersek said.

“Through this development, we are helping to reduce homelessness, and we are giving vulnerable people in Sydney a better future.

“The site is one of 11 Common Ground developments currently underway across Australia, of which, seven are receiving funding under the  $1.1 billion National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness.”

Senator Arbib said the Australian Government is committed to ending homelessness rather than just managing it and is investing in providing housing for vulnerable Australians.

“Under the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness, the Federal Labor Government, along with the states and territory governments, has invested $1.1 billion over five years to deliver 180 new or expanded services to better support people experiencing or at risk of homelessness,” Senator Arbib said.

“The Gillard Government has further committed to pursuing innovative approaches to tackling and preventing homelessness through the $200 million National Partnership Agreement on Mental Health.

“We also continue to invest around $6 billion in more than 21,500 new social housing dwellings, and repairs to 80,000 dwellings under very successful Social Housing Initiative and the National Partnership Agreement on Social Housing.

“At least half of these dwellings will be provided to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, as well as those with disability, seniors and low-income earners.

“Today is a crucial step in reducing homelessness by giving vulnerable Australians a place to call home and a helping hand.

“Camperdown Common Ground not only offers a safe and secure home but also ongoing support for those who need it.”