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Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

24 new apartments for vulnerable South Australians

Joint Media Release with:

  • The Hon Tony Burke MP, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities
  • Senator Anne McEwen, Senator for South Australia
  • Senator Anne McEwen, Senator for South Australia

Vulnerable people, including older Australians, living in Campbelltown are set to benefit from the opening of a housing project delivered by the Gillard Government.

Senator for South Australia, Anne McEwen, welcomed the opening of the project delivered under the Government’s national commitment to housing affordability and homelessness.

“The Gillard Government understands that the cost of renting a home is a real pressure for many families,” Senator McEwen said.

“That’s why we are investing in addressing housing affordability and homelessness by increasing the supply of affordable housing for Australian families.

“These apartments are one of many developments across the nation that will help to play a part in addressing housing affordability and homelessness.

“The apartment facility boasts 24 single-bedroom units designed to 7 star energy efficiency standards.

“This project would never have been possible without the valuable contribution made by the James Brown Memorial Trust, who also provide a variety of community services for older and disadvantaged Australians across Adelaide.”

Federal Minister for Social Housing and Homelessness Mark Arbib said more than 1,900 homes would be built under the National Partnership Agreement on Social Housing, which will house more than 3000 Australians.

“Under the National Partnership Agreement on Social Housing, around 1,540 dwellings have been completed, with around 54 per cent assisting people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness,” Senator Arbib said.

“The National Partnership Agreement will increase the supply of social housing through new construction while helping to reduce homelessness and improve outcomes for homeless and Indigenous Australians.

“In South Australia, $29.8 million has been invested under the National Partnership Agreement on Social Housing for 140 dwellings, with construction commenced on 119 of which 58 have been completed and tenanted.”

Federal Minister for Communities Tony Burke said the National Rental Affordability Scheme was an excellent example of governments at all levels working with the community to improve affordability in the rental sector.

“In South Australia alone, 1,842 affordable rental homes have been approved for development under the Scheme.  Seventy one of these are located in the local area,” Minister Burke said.

“These quality apartments were built as part of the Gillard Government’s national commitment to making housing affordable again which will see the construction of up to 50,000 rental homes for low and moderate income households.”