Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

Industry Vocational Training and Employment Centre

During a visit to Taree, the Federal Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Jenny Macklin, and the Member for Lyne, Rob Oakeshott, met with community and business leaders to discuss establishing a local training and employment centre.

The Australian Government has committed to support development of a proposal for a pilot Industry Vocational Training and Employment Centre in the Taree region.

At the meeting Ms Macklin, Mr Oakeshott and the community members explored the possible locations for the training and employment centre in Taree including a facility currently owned by the Greater Taree City Council.

“Discussions are at early stages but it was great to be here today to talk to local community and business leaders about their ideas to boost training and employment opportunities in the region,” Ms Macklin said.

“The Australian Government looks forward to seeing a proposal on how the training and employment centre would be run to benefit the community.”

“We are working in partnership with Mr Oakeshott and community and business leaders to develop a centre that will deliver new training opportunities and help give local people the skills they need to get a job.”