Supporting children and families in Ipswich
The Minister for Families, Jenny Macklin, today officially launched the Ipswich Communities for Children Plus service, which will provide a safe, happy and healthy environment for local children.
The Australian Government has provided $1.5 million over three years to Mission Australia to work with local families as a Communities for Children Plus provider.
“I’m pleased to officially open the Ipswich Communities for Children Plus service which is run by Mission Australian in partnership with the local community,” Ms Macklin said.
“Mission Australia is working closely with the local community to provide a range of new support services, including school readiness programs and parenting support.
“Local families are already benefiting, with Mission Australia helping vulnerable children transition to school through the Ready together literacyprogram and Transitions to School program at Camira State School.
“They have also had successes with Bremer TAFE through a program to help teenage parents stay at or go back to school. So far nine students have completed the program.”
Communities for Children Plus in Ipswich targets children 0-12 years of age who need extra support to reach their full potential.
It has strong links to child protection authorities and adult services including mental health, drug and alcohol, family violence and housing services for parents at risk of child abuse and neglect.
The Member for Blair, Shayne Neumann, welcomed the new service for local families.
“The Ipswich Communities for Children Plus will provide families with the support they need to provide a happy and healthy life for their children,” Mr Neumann said.
The Australian Government is delivering almost $20 million over four years to establish eight Communities for Children Plus sites in disadvantaged communities.
Communities for Children Plus is a key initiative under the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009-2020.