Designing the National Disability Insurance Scheme
The Australian Government today announced three expert groups to help inform the design of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
The expert groups will work under the NDIS Advisory Group to help the Australian Government design a scheme that meets the lifetime care and support needs of people with significant and permanent disability.
Minister Macklin and Member for Fraser, Andrew Leigh today visited the Woden School for children with disabilities in Canberra to discuss the Gillard Government’s commitment to have an NDIS start in up to four locations from July 2013.
The Gillard Government is committed to delivering this fundamental reform to ensure people with significant and permanent disability receive lifetime care and support, regardless of how they acquired their disability.
We have been clear that we need the expert advice of people with disability, their families and carers to help design this scheme.
The expert groups include people with disability, their carers, advocates, service providers and other sector experts.
The expert group members bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to help people with disability, their families and carers, and the disability service sector, get ready for this change and to make sure the scheme works for them.
They will advise on the design of key elements of the scheme including eligibility and assessment, quality safeguards and standards and a national approach to choice and control for people with disability.
I congratulate the new expert group members on their appointment, and look forward to working with them over the next few months to lay strong foundations for a scheme we can all be proud of.
The expert groups are:
National Approach to Control and Choice
Jeff Harmer, NDIS Advisory Group (co-chair)
Fran Vicary, NDIS Advisory Group (co-chair)
Robbi Williams, Julia Farr Association
Kirsten Deane, National Disability and Carers Alliance
Lesley Hall, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations
Samantha Jenkinson, National Disability and Carer Council
Ara Cresswell, Carers Australia
Vicki O’Halloran, Somerville Community Services Darwin
Daniel Leighton, Inclusion Melbourne
Sally McManus, Australian Services Union
Eligibility and Assessment
Rhonda Galbally, NDIS Advisory Group (co-chair)
Joan McKenna-Kerr, NDIS Advisory Group (co-chair)
Ros Madden, University of Sydney
Janet Dore, Transport Accident Commission
Robbi Williams, Julia Farr Association
Tim Moore, Carers Australia
Graeme Innes, Australia’s Disability Discrimination Commissioner
Frank Quinlan, Mental Health Council of Australia
Suzanne Lulham, New South Wales Lifetime Care and Support Authority
Lesley Hall, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations
Quality Safeguards and Standards
Lorna Hallahan, NDIS Advisory Group (co-chair)
Bruce Bonyhady, NDIS Advisory Group (co-chair)
Stephanie Gotlib, Children with Disability Australia
Margaret Reynolds
Marita Walker, Perth Homecare
Sally Robinson, Griffith University
Kevin Cocks, Queensland Anti-Discrimination Commissioner
Kelly Shay, United Voice