Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

Abbott boasts about his plan to hurt Australian families

Tony Abbott has used a speech in Sydney today to once again boast of his plans to leave Australian families worse off, by ripping away the Schoolkids Bonus.

This Labor Government has already delivered $598 million in Schoolkids Bonus cash to more than 1.2 million families – helping families as their kids get ready to go back to school.

Mr Abbott will rip this support away, and has no plans to reinstate the Education Tax Refund.

A typical family with two kids will be $15,000 worse off over the course of their children’s schooling if Mr Abbott gets elected.

Tony Abbott has labelled the Schoolkids Bonus a “cash splash” which shows just how out of touch with Australian families he is.

The Schoolkids Bonus helps families with the costs of things like school books, stationery and school uniforms.

This is in addition to his plans to slash the household assistance package, which includes additional increases to family payments and tax cuts for workers on low and middle incomes.

It’s clear Tony Abbott and the Liberals don’t support Australian families.

Families can’t trust Tony Abbott.