Tony Abbott’s unfair parental leave plan in tatters
The chaos continues.
Tony Abbott has seen the writing on the wall. He knows his colleagues hate his rolled gold paid parental leave plan – which hands $75,000 to high flying executives and hurts ordinary working women.
Every day, another flaw in Tony Abbott’s costly and unfair plan is exposed.
Today, The Australian has revealed that Coalition MPs have finally realised Mr Abbott’s policy is costly and unfair, and have urged him to take the red pen to it to see which parts could be dumped.
Yesterday, families learnt that Tony Abbott’s scheme would shut out state and local government employees, leaving almost 708,000 working women behind, including teachers, nurses and police. When he was repeatedly asked to give more detail on his plan, all Mr Abbott could say was, “we’ll have more to say about paid parental leave in a few weeks’ time.”
The day before, we learnt that Mr Abbott’s scheme could cost up to $5 billion a year, potentially costing businesses even more in higher taxes.
And before that, we saw Mr Abbott’s Liberal colleagues openly revolting against his unfair scheme – and calling on him to scrap it.
What will happen tomorrow?
Australian families have been benefitting from Australia’s first national paid parental leave scheme, introduced by this Labor Government, since January 2011.
Our scheme is fair for families and fair for business – and so far more than 270,000 working mums and their families have benefitted.
It’s time for Tony Abbott to end the chaos in his ranks and come clean on his plans to leave ordinary families behind.