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Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

Supporting organisations delivering Stronger Communities for Children

Joint Media Release with:

  • Warren Snowdon MP
    Minister for Indigenous Health
    Member for Lingiari

The Australian Government has announced $1.32 million funding over the next two years for Ninti One to support local Aboriginal organisations to deliver services as part of the Stronger Communities for Children program in 15 communities across the Northern Territory.

Ninti One is an Aboriginal organisation working in remote Australia providing outreach programs, training and support to other organisations.

The Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Jenny Macklin said the Gillard Government is investing $73.5 million over ten years to establish Stronger Communities for Children services in the Northern Territory.

“From July this year, we will establish Stronger Communities for Children services in Ngukurr, Galiwinku, Wadeye, Ntaria, Santa Teresa,Gunbalanya, Maningrida, Utopia, Engawala and Lajamanu,” Ms Macklin said.

A further five communities will benefit from July 2017.

The Minister for Indigenous Health and Member for Lingiari Warren Snowdon said Stronger Communities for Children supports parents ensure their kids are growing up in a safe, happy and healthy environment.

“Stronger Communities for Children provide programs such as early learning and literacy classes, parenting and family support programs, and child nutrition advice,” Mr Snowdon said.

“Ninti One will support local Aboriginal organisations to design and deliver services under Stronger Communities for Children, so that local people have a say and role in the delivery of services that affect them.”

Ninti One’s support will include providing coaching and mentoring, advice on delivery of evidence-based, best practice programs, assistance with establishing local governance processes and capacity building activities.

Ninti One will be working with other Aboriginal and non-government organisations with expertise in community development and service delivery to provide support to Stronger Communities for Children and Aboriginal communities.