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Media Release by The Hon Jenny Macklin MP

New ABA projects announced for the Northern Territory

Joint Media Release with:

  • Warren Snowdon MP
    Minister for Indigenous Health
    Member for Lingiari

Community infrastructure upgrades, a boost in efforts to help protect and conserve the environment, a mobile male health unit and an inter-island barge for the Tiwi Islands are among 35 new projects to receive funding totaling more than $10.2 million from the Aboriginals Benefit Account (ABA).

The Minister for Indigenous Affairs Jenny Macklin and Minister for Indigenous Health and local Member for Lingiari Warren Snowdon said the funding will deliver much needed projects and services to Indigenous communities in the Territory.

“These are grassroots projects which are developed by the community to benefit local Aboriginal people and make a significant contribution to closing the gap on Indigenous disadvantage,” Ms Macklin said.

“Importantly, they will create new jobs, strengthen remote communities and improve the lives of Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory.

“Funding includes more than $1.5 million to the Northern Land Council to fund and support 18 new ranger programs in the Top End.

“These programs will not only provide local employment opportunities but also deliver real environmental benefits and will keep culture strong in some of the Territory’s most intact and fragile ecosystems.”

Mr Snowdon said the Australian Football League Northern Territory will also receive $1.5 million to continue its Strength and Unity through Football program in selected communities for a further two years.

“The program will deliver a variety of football programs to drive improvements in areas such as health and fitness, school attendance and employment,” Mr Snowdon said.

“We know that these programs are a great way for Indigenous girls and boys to participate in a sport that they love, while also gaining positive skills and practical outcomes.

“Other important projects being funded include a mobile male health unit to service Central Australian communities, the Warlpiri Media Archives Revitalisation Project, upgrading three community and training centres in the Alice Springs Town Camps and a bush medicine project at Banatjarl.

“Projects such as the mobile male health unit will make a real and immediate difference in remote communities,” Mr Snowdon said.

ABA grants are awarded to projects that will help improve the lives of Aboriginal people living in the Northern Territory.

The ABA was established under the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 (the ALRA Act).

The account is funded by payments from the Commonwealth Government, equivalent to the value of royalties paid by mining interests on Aboriginal land in the Northern Territory.

Minister Macklin thanked the ABA Advisory Committee and in particular the chair, Mrs Pat Brahim, for the ongoing work they do to make this program a success.

Organisation Project Location Funding
Balunu Foundation Ltd Balunu Youth Healing Camps for at risk youth aged 12-17 Darwin Region $250,000
Tiwi Islands Shire Council Upgrade of facilities at Bathurst Island Oval Tiwi Islands Wurrumiyanga (Nguiu) $201,310
Karnte Aboriginal Corporation Karnte Community Centre Upgrade Alice Springs $249,848
Central Australian Aboriginal Congress Aboriginal Corporation Mobile Male Health Unit Remote Central Australian Communities $250,000
Katherine Regional Aboriginal Health and Related Services Incorporated Katherine Region Youth Group – Building Strong Futures Together Today Katherine Region $245,443
West Arnhem Shire Council Youth Space Upgrade Gunbalanya $250,000
Nyewente Association Incorporated Refurbishment and Upgrade for Nyewente Community Centre Alice Springs $249,811
Tangentyere Council Incorporated Yarrenyty Arltere Learning Centre Infrastructure Upgrade Alice Springs $249,767
Katherine West Health Board Aboriginal Corporation Strong Body, Strong Mind, Strong Spirit: hip hop workshops and leadership camp for Indigenous youths aged 12-25 years in nine communities in the Katherine region. Yarralin, Lingara, Bulla, Pigeon Hole, Mialuni, Lajamanu,Kalkarindji, Dagaragu,Timber Creek $103,460
Angkerle Aboriginal Corporation Three Phase Inverter/Battery for Diesel Generator Power System Standley Chasm (Angkerle Atwatye) $245,000
Akanta Aboriginal Corporation Purchase of a truck to provide additional capacity supporting traditional owners in long-term land management initiatives Urrampinyi-Iltiltjarri Aboriginal Land Trust in Central Australia $170,000
Tiwi Islands Shire Council Inter-Island Barge: 7.5 metre landing barge and trailer to transport community members between Melville and Bathurst Islands Tiwi Islands $210,100
Central Land Council Warumungu and Anurrete Aboriginal Land Trust boundary fencing Warumungu and Anurrete Aboriginal Land Trust $235,400
Galatji Development Corporation Pty Ltd Galatji Cattle Breeding Project Menngen Aboriginal Land Trust, Katherine Region $250,000
Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Women’s Council Aboriginal Corporation Bi-cultural Aboriginal awareness course material development Southern Central Australia $25,000
The Fred Hollows Foundation The Banatjarl Bush Medicine Project Banatjarl, Katherine Region $224,400
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation Commercial Fridge and Freezer Project Maningrida $180,000
East Journey Aboriginal Corporation Stepping Up to the Future Yirrkala and homelands $231,150
Karungkarni Art and Culture Aboriginal Corporation Wave Hill/Canberra Exchange Program Kalkaringi $20,666
Central Land Council (CLC) Women’s Law and Culture Meeting 2013 Central Australia $140,000
Yothu Yindi Foundation Aboriginal Corporation 2103 Garma Bunggul North East Arnhem Land $150,000
Yothu Yindi Foundation Aboriginal Corporation 2013 Garma Catering North East Arnhem Land $75,000
Yothu Yindi Foundation Aboriginal Corporation 2013 Garma Youth Forum North East Arnhem Land $50,000
Yothu Yindi Foundation Aboriginal Corporation 2013 Garma Operations North East Arnhem Land $150,000
Akeyulerre Incorporated Arrernte Culture: Itentye (Branching Out) Alice Springs $250,000
Warlpiri Media Association – PAW Media and Communications Warlpiri Media Archives Revitalisation Project Yuendumu $249,400
Northern Land Council (NLC) Women’s Law and Culture Gathering 2013 Northern Land Council Region $250,000
Waltja Tjutangku Palyapayi Aboriginal Corporation Older and Younger Women together for Culture Central Australia $214,879
Central Australian Aboriginal Congress Aboriginal Corporation Emergency Response Vehicle Replacement (first response) for Mutitjulu Community Mutitjulu $200,000
Thamarrurr Development Corporation Ltd Wadeye Magic Football Club Wadeye $220,000
Australian Football League Northern Territory Ltd (AFLNT) Strength and Unity through Football – Additional funding to 2015 Maningrida, Ngukurr, Hermannsburg (Ntaria), Gapuwiyak, Lajamanu $1,500,000
Northern Land Council NLC Ranger Group – Capital and Operational funding to support 18 Ranger programs in the Top End Northern Land Council Region $1,569,305
North Australian Aboriginal Corporation Part Refit of North Australian Aboriginal Corporation building Darwin $503,000
Dhimurru Aboriginal Corporation Dhimurru Senior Staff Accommodation – grant adjustment North East Arnhem Land $360,000
Anindilyakwa Land Council Funeral and Ceremonies 2013-14 Groote Eylandt $500,000