Celebrating 10 years of support for Australian Families
The Parliamentary Secretary for Community Services, Julie Collins, today congratulated Families Australia for a decade of support to Australian families.
Ms Collins applauded Families Australia’s efforts in promoting the needs and interests of families since it was established in 2001 as an independent, not-for-profit, national peak organisation.
“Families Australia provides valuable input to policies and programs around child protection, mental health, support for Forgotten Australians, Indigenous families, carers, and children with disability,” Ms Collins said.
“The Gillard Government recognises this, investing more than $820,000 over three years to support Families Australia in this work.
“Through its policy advice, Families Australia makes a significant contribution to improving the lives of our families.
“It represents more than 300 community organisations, with expertise crossing a diverse range of areas.
“Families Australia convenes the Coalition of Organisations Committed to the Safety and Wellbeing of Australia’s Children that worked in partnership with the Gillard Government and state and territory governments to develop the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children.”
Ms Collins said Families Australia also auspices the Alliance for Forgotten Australians.
“The Alliance, through Families Australia, received $400,000 from the Gillard Government to provide support and advocacy services for Forgotten Australians and establish a Forgotten Australian Ambassador program,” Ms Collins said.
“By driving these and other important discussions, Families Australia provides an important platform for both Government and the non-government sectors to work together to address key issues which affect many Australian families.
“The Gillard Government welcomes and applauds Families Australia’s leadership and commitment to Australian families over the past decade and we look forward to continuing our work with this organisation into the future.”