Media Release by The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP

Providing accessible housing for people with disability in North Queensland

Joint Media Release with:

  • Senator the Hon John Hogg, Senator for Queensland

People with disability in North Queensland have been given the keys to brand-new accessible homes as part of a $60 million Australian Government initiative.

The Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers Amanda Rishworth, said the Australian Government has provided more than $800,000 to Cootharinga North Queensland to develop and build this project under the Supported Accommodation Innovation Fund.

Ms Rishworth said “The Supported Accommodation Innovation Fund is about encouraging innovation and driving change in the way supported accommodation services are provided. It is delivering much-needed accommodation and support for people with disability.

“The Federal Labor Government believes that people with disability should have access to a range of supported accommodation models that will help them to participate in their communities.

“We understand there is a shortage of supported accommodation places and respite for people with disability and their families and carers, which is why we are delivering projects like the Cootharinga North Queensland project.”

Senator for Queensland John Hogg today officially opened the new supported accommodation project, which will provide a safe and accessible home for people with disability in Burdell, Townsville.

“People with disability should have the same opportunities as everyone else, including the ability to decide where they live. But finding a home in which they can live as independently as possible can be extremely difficult.

“Projects like this enable people with disability to live in their own home, with the added peace of mind that help is close at hand if needed.

“I’d like to thank Cootharinga North Queensland, who has worked very closely with the tenants and their families and carers to make sure their new home caters to their individual needs.

“Each tenant had the opportunity to create a home that meets their needs, and reflects their personality and interests.”

The Supported Accommodation Innovation Fund will deliver 27 supported accommodation and respite projects by June 2014, creating up to 150 supported accommodation places for people with severe or profound disability.