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Media Release by The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP

More accessible housing for people with disability in Devonport

Joint Media Release with:

  • Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry & Federal Member for Braddon, Sid Sidebottom

    Senator for Tasmania, Anne Urquhart

The Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers, Amanda Rishworth, today took part in a tree planting ceremony to officially open a new development that will provide a safe and accessible home for three adults with severe or profound disability in Devonport.

“The Gillard Government has invested more than $580,000 in the Centacare Tasmania project as part of the $60 million Supported Accommodation Innovation Fund,” Ms Rishworth said.

“This accommodation will enable people with disability to live independently in their own home, with the added peace of mind that help is close at hand if needed.”

Federal Member for Braddon Sid Sidebottom MP said this Centacare Tasmania and Devonfield Industries project would provide much-needed accommodation and support for people with disability in Devonport.

“I am delighted that people with a disability will have access to a supportive home environment through the partnership of Centacare Tasmania and Devonfield Enterprises,” said Mr Sidebottom.

“These fully self-contained units will include a safe, continuous step-free path from the street to each unit, wheelchair-friendly carports, accessible switches and power outlets, and window sill heights that allow people in wheelchairs to enjoy views of the landscaped gardens.”

Senator for Tasmania Anne Urquhart, who joined Parliamentary Secretary Amanda Rishworth at the official opening, said this accommodation will incorporate Platinum level accessible features under the Livable Housing Design Guidelines and a six star energy efficiency rating, which will lower energy and water costs.

“It is fantastic to see that this accommodation will help ensure Tasmanians with disability can live safely, receive the support they need to fully participate in community life and live in a home with low running costs,” Senator Urquhart said.

Ms Rishworth said the Supported Accommodation Innovation Fund will deliver 27 additional accommodation and respite projects by June 2014, creating up to 150 supported accommodation places for people with severe or profound disability.

“We believe people with disability should have the same opportunities as everyone else, including the ability to decide where they live,” Ms Rishworth said.

“This Gillard Government is supporting people with disability to ensure they receive the care and support they need, and we are introducing DisabilityCare Australia from 1 July this year.

“DisabilityCare Australia is the reform of a generation and has the potential to transform the lives of some of the most vulnerable Tasmanians.

“From 1 July this year DisabilityCare Australia will become a reality for adolescents with disability between the ages of 15 and 24 in Tasmania. Other eligible Tasmanian residents will start entering the scheme in July 2016.

“Sid and Anne inform me that the local DisabilityCare Australia office will be located just minutes from here in Stewart St, Devonport.

“As a result of the historic agreement between the Commonwealth and Tasmanian Government, the full roll out of DisabilityCare across Tasmania will mean that around 11, 000 people will be supported by DisabilityCare Australia by July 2019.”