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Media Release by The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP

More Accessible Housing For People With Disability At Tura Beach

Joint Media Release with:

  • The Hon Mike Kelly MP
    Minister for Defence Materiel
    Federal Member for Eden-Monaro

Federal Member for Eden Monaro Dr Mike Kelly, today officially launched a new housing development that will provide a safe and accessible home for four people with disability at Tura Beach in NSW.

Dr Kelly said the WorkAble living project – which received $890,000 from the Federal Government – would enable local people with disability to live independently in their own home, with the added peace of mind that help is close at hand if needed.

“I am delighted that through our Government’s investment , WorkAbility – a division of the Disability Trust – will provide six self-contained homes in this development,” he said.

“Providing this accommodation for four people with disability and two people without a disability ensures people with disability can enjoy the support and company of disability support workers, visiting family and friends, or members of a wider circle of support.”

Partner organisation, Sapphire Coast Tenancy Scheme will provide ongoing tenancy management services, an arrangement which aims to provide greater choice and autonomy for the tenants.

The property will incorporate Platinum level accessible features under the Livable Housing Design Guidelines, which reduces the need for future modifications and also supports tenants to age in place.

Parliamentary Secretary for Disability and Carers Amanda Rishworth MP said the project was a great example of innovation in the provision of accommodation to people with disability.

“We believe people with disability should have the same opportunities as other Australians, including the ability to decide where they live,” Ms Rishworth said.

“The Supported Accommodation Innovation Fund will deliver 27 accommodation and respite projects by June 2014, creating up to 150 supported accommodation places for people with severe or profound disability.

“It is helping ensure people with disability can live safely and receive the support they need to participate in community life.

“This Gillard Government is supporting people with disability to ensure they receive the care and support they need, and we are introducing DisabilityCare Australia from 1 July this year.

Ms Risworth said DisabilityCare Australia is the reform of a generation and has the potential to transform the lives of some of our most vulnerable residents.

“That’s why in the Federal Budget, Labor provided $14.3 billion over seven years to 2018-19 to roll out DisabilityCare Australia nationally, on top of existing Commonwealth disability funding. This long term funding security will provide people with significant and permanent disability, their families and carers the certainty that they deserve,” she said.

“In December last year we reached a historic agreement with NSW Government to roll out DisabilityCare Australia to about 150,000 people with disability across NSW by July 2018.”