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Media Release by The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP

Celebrate International Day of People with Disability

Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers Amanda Rishworth today invited communities, schools, organisations and businesses around the country to stage their own local events to celebrate the 21st anniversary of International Day of People with Disability.

Registrations opened today for events to be held on the United Nations sanctioned International Day, which is marked annually on 3 December to celebrate the achievements and contributions of people with disability.

“Last year the day was a real success, with more than 550 registered events across Australia, with activities ranging from egg and spoon races, surfing and golfing, through to art and film festivals, rock ‘n’ roll concerts featuring ‘Elvis’, and tea parties,” Ms Rishworth said.

“I encourage communities to start thinking about imaginative ways that they will celebrate 21 years of International Day of People with Disability raising awareness and promoting understanding of people with disability.

“People should think about what type of event they want to hold and start planning. Tools such as an A-Z of event ideas and an event checklist are also available on the International Day of People with Disability website to help people plan.

“Once registered, events will appear on the website for people to browse by state or territory and event organisers will also get some free merchandise to help promote their celebration.”

Ms Rishworth said the launch of DisabilityCare Australia on 1 July was an historic milestone for all Australians with disability, their families and carers, and well worth celebrating on International Day of People with Disability.

“Under DisabilityCare Australia, Australians with significant and permanent disability will for the first time have the power to choose the support they need and how that support is provided,” Ms Rishworth said.

“The first three weeks of DisabilityCare Australia across all four launch sites has been a success, with hundreds of people having their first contact with our regional offices.

“DisabilityCare Australia staff are already assisting people to develop their individual plans, answering general enquiries and providing information to the local community.

“The seventh annual National Disability Awards will be held on 26 November as a special celebration leading up to International Day of People with Disability. The awards build awareness of disability issues and recognise the important role people with disability play in their local communities, their country and internationally.”

To register an event visit or call 1800 440 385. TTY users please phone 1800 555 677 and ask for 1800 440 385.