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Media Release by Senator the Hon Doug Cameron MP

Homes for Homes to increase affordable housing

The Australian Government is helping a new not-for-profit organisation established by The Big Issue to build more social housing for vulnerable Australians as part of our commitment to halve homelessness by 2020.

Parliamentary Secretary for Housing and Homelessness Senator Doug Cameron today announced Australian Government funding to get the Homes for Homes project off the ground.

“Homes for Homes is an innovative project developed by The Big Issue to encourage people who own a home to help out those who don’t,” Senator Cameron said.

“Under this voluntary scheme, home owners, developers, banks, real estate agents, mortgage lenders and landlords contribute a very small portion of a housing transaction, such as when property is sold or rented.

“Over the long term, this will provide a pool of funding that will be used to build affordable homes for vulnerable Australians, increasing the amount of housing in areas of most need.

“The Australian Government is providing $500,000 to get Homes for Homes under way and promote the project to encourage participation.”

Speaking at The Big Lunch in Adelaide today, Senator Cameron congratulated The Big Issue on thinking outside the box with their long term Homes for Homes project.

“The Big Issue has a long history of raising awareness of homelessness, and supporting vulnerable people in turning their lives around,” Senator Cameron said.

“That’s why the Australian Government has been a big supporter of the organisation as part of our commitment to halve the rate of homelessness and provide supported accommodation to all rough sleepers who seek it by 2020.

“We have invested an unprecedented $26 billion to help make housing more affordable and assist people to move out of homelessness, working with the states and territories, business and community organisations.

“The Australian Government is delivering 21,000 new social housing homes and refurbishing another 80,000 homes. A further 14,000 more affordable rental homes have been built under the National Rental Affordability Scheme, which will deliver 50,000 rental homes by June 2016.

“By increasing the amount of housing across Australia, the Australian Government is helping make housing more affordable.

“We believe all Australians deserve a safe, secure home, and we will continue to work to provide affordable housing for Australia’s most vulnerable people.”