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Media Release by The Hon Mark Butler MP

Affordable housing in St Kilda

Joint Media Release with:

  • The Hon Michael Danby MP
    Parliamentary Secretary for the Arts
    Federal Member for Melbourne Ports

Minister for Housing and Homelessness Mark Butler today joined Federal Member for Melbourne Ports Michael Danby to visit a new affordable housing complex recently opened as part of the Gillard Labor Government’s $4.5 billion National Rental Affordability Scheme.

During the visit to the Maxx Apartments complex, managed by Mission Australia, Mr Danby said the Government remained committed to easing housing pressures in Melbourne.

“We know that housing affordability is a concern for many Australian families, including right here in St Kilda, and we’re investing heavily to address that concern,” Mr Danby said.

“Of the 108 apartments in this complex, 12 have been set aside to be rented at lower than market rate to tenants on low or moderate incomes by Mission Australia under the National Rental Affordability Scheme.

“These NRAS properties in the Maxx Apartments will provide long-term housing security to low and middle-income tenants struggling in the private rental market and will save them thousands of dollars each year.”

NRAS offers annual financial incentives, currently valued at $10,350 per dwelling, for each year up to 10 years to build and rent new homes or apartments for low to moderate income tenants, at 20 per cent below the market value rent.

Mr Butler said as part of the Gillard Labor Government’s $26 billion investment to help Australians struggling in the housing market he had recently opened the fifth round of funding to build 10,000 homes by June 2016, worth $1 billion over 10 years.

“Under NRAS, the Gillard Labor Government will deliver 50,000 more affordable rental homes like this one by June 2016-with more than 14,000 already built and another 24,000 in the pipeline, including more than 6,700 across Victoria,” Mr Butler said.

“These incentives provide more affordable rental homes in Victoria and create new jobs through increased investment in construction.

“We’re particularly looking for new projects that embrace universal design principles, which support independent living arrangements for older people and people with disability.

Applications for NRAS Round 5 incentives will close on 6 August 2013, with properties to be progressively made available for rent from July 2015 to June 2016.

For more information, including application details, eligibility, preferred locations, the number of incentives available in Victoria, and helpful facts, go to: