Media Release by Senator the Hon Jan McLucas

Ensuring Australia’s Role in International Disability Issues

Joint Media Release with:

  • Hon Robert Mcclelland MP, Attorney-General

Attorney-General Robert McClelland and Parliamentary Secretary for Disability and Carers, Senator Jan McLucas, today announced additional funding to the Australian Human Rights Commission to ensure people with disability play a key role in international discussions on disability issues.

Senator McLucas announced the funding of $300,000 over three years at the National People With Disabilities and Carers Council meeting in Melbourne today, with Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Graeme Innes.

Senator McLucas said “This funding, through our National Disability Strategy, will enable disability peak bodies and individuals to attend prominent or key international meetings and conferences.

“It will ensure people with disability and the organisations representing them can get involved and have their say on the international stage across a broad range of issues.

“They can use their experience at these forums to help inform policies and programs affecting people with disability, their families and carers,” Senator McLucas said.

“Australia was one of the first western countries to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol,” Mr McClelland said.

“This funding will ensure Australian peak bodies and people with a disability can continue to make a strong contribution to international discussions about the rights of people with a disability.

The Australian Human Rights Commission plays an important role in ensuring the National Disability Strategy upholds the human rights of people with disability.

Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Graeme Innes, said “The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities requires central roles for national human rights institutions and for representatives of people with disability in implementation and monitoring. So this initiative as part of the National Disability Strategy is particularly welcome.”

The National Disability Strategy sets a ten year reform plan that will help to ensure that people with disability have the same opportunities as other Australians.