Improving access to conferences for people with disability
People with disability will be supported to participate in a range of conferences across the country following the announcement of around $320,000 to conference organisers.
Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers, Senator Jan McLucas, said the funding, through the National Disability Conference Initiative, will improve access and participation to 28 disability conferences across Australia.
“The Australian Government is delivering practical support to conference organisers to help ensure people with disability, their families, friends and carers can attend and fully participate in conferences,” Senator McLucas said.
“Conference organisers will receive grants of up to $12,000 to help improve access for people with disability and their carers.
“The grants can be used to cover the cost of conference fees, accommodation and travel expenses, as well as providing Auslan interpreters, live captioning services, hearing loops, and making conference materials available in a range of formats such as Braille or larger font.”
“We expect many Australians with disability and their carers will benefit from these grants. For example, children and their carers who attend the annual National Epidermolysis Bullosa Kids and Carers Camp.”
“These children get real value out of the camp and it gives families the chance to learn more about caring and share their experiences, while experienced volunteers take the children on a range of outings,” Senator McLucas said.
This initiative will also ensure that ten people can attend the Disability Advocacy Network Australia’s Fourth National Disability Advocacy Conference. To help improve their accessibility, they will have their travel and accommodation expenses covered as well as having access to hearing loops, Auslan interpreters, attendant care and video streaming at the conference.
“Conferences provide a great opportunity for people with disability, their carers, disability service providers and advocacy groups to share knowledge and experiences, discuss and debate a host of issues.
“This is one way we can ensure that people with disability are supported to get involved and have their say.”
“The Australian Government is working hard to ensure people with disability have the same opportunities as other Australians.”
Organisations receiving National Disability Conference Initiative funding
Organisation | Conference Title | Date |
Rubinstein Taybi Syndrome Australia Incorporated | Inaugural Australian Rubinstein Taybi Conference 2011 | 8 Jul 2011 |
National Association of Australian Teachers of the Deaf | Staying on Track with Deaf Education | 15 Jul 2011 |
Australian Sign Language Interpreters Association | Between a Rock and a Hard Place | 26 Aug 2011 |
Vision Australia | Vision Australia TEXPO 2011 | 2 Sept 2011 |
National Disability Services Limited | Working in the New World | 5-6 Sept 2011 |
Australian and New Zealand Spinal Cord Society Incorporated | Striking AcCord | 13 Sept 2011 |
Jobs South West Inc. | Get Up Stand Up | 28 Sept 2011 |
Albinism Fellowship Of Australia | SPF Spectacular Platinum Festival | 7 Oct 2011 |
Australasian Tuberous Sclerosis Society Inc | Riding the TSC Wave – The ATSS Family Conference | 8 Oct 2011 |
Blind Citizens Australia | Doing It For Ourselves | 15 Oct 2011 |
Metabolic Dietary Disorders Association | Celebrating You 2011 | 15 Oct 2011 |
Haemophilia Foundation Australia | 16th Australian & New Zealand Haemophilia Conference | 20 Oct 2011 |
Speak Out Association Of Tasmania Inc | Speak Out Self Advocacy | 21 Oct 2011 |
Australasian Society for Intellectual Disability Victoria | ASID VIC Disability Support Worker Conference | 16 Nov 2011 |
Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia | Advancing Multiculturalism | 16 Nov 2011 |
Motor Neurone Disease Association of Australia Inc. | Ask the Experts | 27 Nov 2011 |
Disability Sport and Recreation Limited | Scoring the Equaliser | 2 Dec 2011 |
Cerebral Palsy Alliance | Emerge Leadership Conference | 3 Dec 2011 |
Aspergers Syndrome Support Network | Side by Side – Connecting with AS | 16 Feb 2012 |
Victorian Council of Social Services | Strengthening Disability Advocacy | 13 Mar 2012 |
Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA) Limited | Fourth National Disability Advocacy | March/April 2012 |
Spinal Cord Injuries Australia | Spinal Cord Injury Expo & Conference | 17 Mar 2012 |
Deafness Forum of Australia Ltd | 7th National Deafness Sector Summit | 27 Apr 2012 |
Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association Australia Inc. | National EB Kids and Carers Camp | 27 Apr 2012 |
Employers Making a Difference Inc | Raising the Bar 2012 | 9 May 2012 |
Round Table for Information Access for People with Print Disabilities | Round Table on Information Access 2012 | 19 May 2012 |
Australasian Lymphology Association | The 9th Australasian Lymphology Association Conference | 24 May 2012 |
Centre for Disability Studies | Transforming Rights into Reality | 4 Jun 2012 |