New web portal to support families and children with disability
South Australian parents and carers of children with disability have a new web portal to help them navigate the broad range of available information on disability services.
The Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers, Senator Jan McLucas and South Australian Minister for Disabilities, Ian Hunter today launched the portal, diSAbility connect, at the Daphne Street Autism Specific Early Learning and Care Centre in Prospect.
Senator McLucas said the portal was developed with the support of $80,000 from the Australian Government and is a collaborative project between the Australian and South Australian Governments in readiness for a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
“diSAbility connect is a great example of how the Australian and the South Australian Governments are working in partnership to deliver better, more coordinated services for people with disability, which is ultimately the aim of an NDIS,” Senator McLucas said.
“The portal’s focus is on programs and services available for children with disability and their families in South Australia.”
“diSAbility connect is an information gateway that will help families to easily identify and access relevant information. It will be the first port of call for parents where they can be linked to the information they are seeking.”
“The portal is a work in progress, and its designers are keen to receive feedback so that it can ultimately be as comprehensive and helpful as possible.”
Mr Hunter said the website launch was timely given South Australia’s involvement in the first stage of an NDIS beginning in July next year.
“We will be focusing on children aged 0-5 years who have significant and permanent disability in the first year. By 2015, we’ll see the age limit expand to include children aged 0 to 14, with a total of around 5000 children set to benefit from the scheme,” Mr Hunter said.
“It highlights our commitment to providing Every Chance for Every Child. This strategic priority is about finding better ways of supporting and strengthening South Australian families and giving every child the chance to reach their full potential.”
Senator McLucas said an NDIS will deliver fundamental change to the way disability care and support is provided in Australia.
“Critical to its success is getting the preparations right, getting the systems in place to support an NDIS,” Senator McLucas said.
“That is why we are working closely with the states and territories to lay the foundations of this fundamental reform.”