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Speech by The Hon Larry Anthony MP

Launch of the Resource Kit: Above & Beyond – Recognising Youth Development in Australia

Location: Parliament House, Canberra

  • My parliamentary colleagues (TBC)
  • Valued members from the youth development sector
  • Distinguished Guests
  • Ladies and Gentlemen

Thank you, Mark (Sullivan) for your introduction.

I am delighted that you all can join me in launching the Above & Beyond resource kit.

Above and Beyond

This resource, Above and Beyond, is about recognition.

Most Australians are aware of the fantastic contribution youth development workers make to our nation.

Organisations like Scouts, Red Cross and Surf Life Saving are household names.

We see the good work they do when they knock on our door raising money for good causes, when we go to the beach on Sunday or at the local car wash.

But this series of booklets take the next step in recognition.

It will help youth development groups officially and formally accredit and recognize their work.

This might be simple process such as presenting certificates at the end of a program.
Or it might be more complex – for example creating links between programs and the school curriculum.

Whatever form the recognition takes, it’s all about valuing the skills and achievements of the programs’ participants.

Government commitment

On a different level I think Above and Beyond is reflective of changing social attitudes.

There was a time when a young persons progression to independence was seen in black and white.

Education, in particular, was reading, writing and arithmetic.

It was almost assumed that all young people had strong life skills.

Now days people understand there is much more to education than formal subjects.

For example employers want to know how well adjusted young people are.

Can they communicate?

Are they responsible?

It is not just about marks and scores – it is also about life skills.

Formalizing co-curricula programs, like youth development programs, highlights the just how important these skills are.

It will provide the incentive for young people to undertake activities like surf live-saving, bush fire brigade, cadets and many others.

In a sense it is society’s way of saying – these programs are worthwhile and these skills are important.


Before I finish up I want to say congratulations to everyone involved in the publication of this resource.

It is a really impressive publication.

So a big thanks for:

  • The team at ANTA for designing and managing this important project.
  • The National Users Group and the National Advisory Committee for their input into the project.
  • To tidemark design,
  • The Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia
  • Kristine Peters Project Management

I look forward to officially launching the Above and Beyond resource kit shortly.

Thank you.