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Media Release by The Hon Brendan O’Connor MP

Delivering affordable housing in Tasmania

The Federal Labor Government’s unprecedented investment in affordable housing is having a significant impact in Tasmania, a new report released today shows.

Minister for Housing and Homelessness Brendan O’Connor and Senator for Tasmania Carol Brown today welcomed the launch of ‘Tasmania’s Affordable Housing Construction Program Report’ by the Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services.

“All Australians deserve a safe, secure home,” Mr O’Connor said.

“The Gillard Government has made affordable housing a national priority and I’m proud to see the progress we have made not just in Tasmania but around Australia.

“This report highlights the positive impact that this commitment is having with Tasmania exceeding its target of delivering 1,400 new affordable homes for low and middle income earners by 30 June this year.

“The federal Government made a direct financial contribution to 1,025 of those new homes, including 530 built as a result of the more than $125 million investment under the Social Housing Initiative.

“A further 421 homes were delivered under the Gillard Government’s National Rental Affordability Scheme which provides affordable rental accommodation at rates at least 20 per cent below market rent for 10 years.

“All up the Federal Labor Government has invested more than $159 million in new social and affordable housing in Tasmania.

“While there is always more to be done, we know that our initiatives are making a real difference to people who are struggling to find an affordable place to call home.”

Senator Brown launched the report during a visit to a social housing home in Hopkins Street, Moonah – one of the 530 homes delivered in Tasmania under the Federal Labor Government’s Social Housing Initiative.

“I want to thank Housing Tasmania for their assistance in helping us to deliver more affordable housing for those in need,” Senator Brown said.

“We know that addressing housing affordability is something we can’t do alone – it can only be achieved through a partnership with state and territory governments and not-for-profit organisations.

“The release of reports such as this one demonstrates what can be achieved when all levels of government and the wider private and community sector work together with the goal of providing more affordable housing for low and moderate income people across Tasmania.”