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Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

10,000 New Social Housing Homes before Christmas

The Australian Government is delivering on its commitment to reduce homelessness, with our 10,000th new social housing residence to be completed across Australia this week.

Minister for Social Housing and Homelessness, Senator Mark Arbib, said most of the homes will be occupied by families and individuals this Christmas, with the remainder to move in early next year.

“Having a home to call their own this Christmas will not only provide people with safe, secure and stable accommodation, it will also give them a place to celebrate the festive season with their family and friends,” Senator Arbib said.

“Built under the Government’s Nation Building Economic Stimulus Plan, the homes have provided housing for the elderly, people with disability and people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

“These homes are part of the Australian Government’s $5.6 billion commitment to build more than 19,300 new social housing homes.

“In fact, the Australian Government, working with the states and territories, is now likely to deliver more than 19,600 homes.

“The increase comes because of both the efficient and cost-effective delivery of the program and extra contributions of land by the states and territories and community housing organisations.

“Housing has been targeted to urban and regional areas identified as high-priority by the State and Territory Governments.

“We have also funded the repairs and maintenance of 80,000 existing social housing homes – 12,000 of which would have been lost to housing stock without this work.

“Not only is this work providing new and upgraded homes for around 31,000 vulnerable Australians, it is also supporting around 15,000 jobs.

“Reducing homelessness is a national priority for the Australian Government.

“We have set ambitious targets to reduce homelessness and provide supported accommodation to all people sleeping rough who seek it.”