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Media Release by Senator the Hon Mark Arbib

102 New Social Housing Units for Northbridge

Joint Media Release with:

  • Minister The Hon Stephen Smith, Member for Perth
  • Senator Louise Pratt, Senator for Western Australia

Men at risk of homelessness in Northbridge are set to benefit from 102 new social housing units which will be built with the help of $18 million from the Australian Government.

The Lentara Men’s Hostel in Northbridge will be demolished to make way for the new development which is due for completion in 2012.

Senator for Western Australia Louise Pratt attended the demolition of the former Lentara Mens Hostel, in Aberdeen Street in Northbridge.  The new development will be funded under the Social Housing Initiative.

“Finding an affordable and safe place to live in the local area not only gives you peace of mind, it is also an important part of staying connected with your community,” Senator Pratt said.

“This new development will offer men in our community who are sleeping rough or at risk of homelessness the security of having a stable place to live.

“The new facility will boast 102 1-bedroom units which will incorporate energy and water efficiency features demonstrating sustainable technologies and sound environmental principles. All of which incorporate universal design principles.”

Senator Pratt also acknowledged the Salvation Army for its involvement and management of this project.

Federal Minister for Social Housing and Homelessness Mark Arbib said the $5.6 billion Social Housing Initiative was the single largest investment in social housing ever undertaken by an Australian Government.

“The Social Housing Initiative, delivered under the Government’s stimulus package, is designed to assist low income Australians who are homeless or struggling in the private rental market,” Senator Arbib said.

“Under the Initiative, around 19,600 homes are being constructed across the nation and will be completed by June 2012 – almost 16,000 of these have already been completed.

Member for Perth Stephen Smith said in Western Australia the Australian Government had delivered on the Social Housing.

“More than 1,670 of the over 2,080 new homes promised under the Social Housing Initiative have been delivered and repairs and maintenance have now been completed to almost 10,490 homes across the state,” Mr Smith said.

“Through the Initiative, the Australian Government has supported more than 15,000 jobs nationally, and helped shield Australia from the recession that hit most other economies.”